This was an image that was flying around in my brain. It harkened me to start attaching signature letters all askew at various angles to the golden ratio fractal curve created by mathematician Edmund Harriss. Edmund Harriss is a University or Arkansas mathematics professor that used the Golden Ratio to create a beautiful fractal curve that had never been created before. Yet we see this phenomenon throughout nature and everywhere. Much of my art is derived from patterns of self-similarity.
The Golden Ratio spiral can be created from a framework of Golden Rectangles. The "Golden Spiral" is also knows as the "Fibonacci Spiral" or the "Logarithmic Spiral" and is directly related to the Fibonacci sequence ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…), a pattern found in the leaf arrangements of plants, the patterns of florets in flowers, the spines of pine cones, the scales of pineapples, and in other places throughout nature where we see patterns. Think of it as the smaller thing being a carbon copy of the larger thing and this concept can go on forever.
The pattern above was one that I found flying around in my brain today while I was making my morning smoothie. I finished making my smoothie in a hurry and hustled to my computer to make THIS happen. I thought it was weird, strange ... but also powerful. The signature is actually very symbolic of the "disorderly order" that flies in my face at times and is perceived by my brain and expressed through my art. Adding the element of motion allows me to bring the viewer one step closer to my strange reality.
The signature is a perfect, symbolic depiction.
A version done in white for dark backgrounds.
I also had a little bit of fun making the signature colorful - and subconsciously the first one pulled me right back into the 80's and The United Colors of Benetton ... time to pull out my Swatch too!
A version using various shades of blue.
At the moment, I will probably stick with the simplicity of black or white ... usually the artwork has enough going on that adding color is not really a necessity ... but options are nice for special pieces that might call for something a bit different.